Saturday, 25 July 2015

REVIEW : My Little Road Trip Box (July)

Sawasdee ka~
"Life is like a road trip. Enjoy each day and don't carry too much luggage"
Finally my most favourite box from My little box is arrive at my door. I saw a picture of it on Instagram before I actually receive the box. Yeah~it ruined the surprise however it didn't ruin my excitement though. I know from the moment I open the package that this box is going to be the best. As soon as I open the box, I sense a lovely smell inside. It was sweet but somehow fresh. This month's box  comes in "Road Trip" theme which is perfect for me as I often travel a lot during the year.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

[HAUL] British Summer (Sale) Makeup

Sawasdee ka~
I'm coming back with haul today with a new Youtube video.  It the first time that I actually talk a lot in from of camera. Please give a comment below if you think I need to change anything. I know my speaking still is not that good but I just want to try something new in the blog. Hope you like it :)

Thursday, 16 July 2015


Sawasdee ka~

This week I created a look that inspired by current famous DJ from Korea. Her official name is DJ Soda have you ever heard her name? She is really popular in my hometown at the moment. As can be seen in the pictures she got a porcelain skin but I'm pretty tan right now so I will adjust makeup colour to suit my skin tone.

Let's get started!