Sunday, 26 January 2014

Design : Cocktail Party Anyone?

Sawasdee ka~
I realise that since I started blogging I haven't post anything about fashion related yet so today I think I would share some of my works with you guys. I finished my BSc in textile in 2009. About 5 years ago when I was a third year student  I had a chance to go training abroad in Taiwan for a month. I went to Pingtung university with my 2 other friends to be part of the student there. We had a really great time. Anyway instead of rumbling about what had happened when I was there, which might bored you guys,  I think sharing my work that I created during I was in Taiwan might be more excited.

The second week in Taiwan, one of the teachers that supervised us told us to create a fashion   illustration set. I found my inspiration in a magazine (I don't really know what did it call). My design theme was "present". The idea was pretty straight forward. Think about present I think about bow, ribbon and wrapping technique. Although with real designer, they will think something a lot deeper which I will post my next (more professional) work later so you can see differences.   
I drew all dresses and clothes with pencil first then painted them with water colour. My colour selection was pastel as I want my design to look sweet and feminine with enthusiastic feeling. Hope one day I can make them all real.

What do you think about my collection? Let me know :)



Sunday, 19 January 2014

SWATCHES & REVIEW : Illamasqua Perfect Pout Gift set


Feel like I haven't done any reviews for ages so today I come with a big set of lipstick for lipstick lover from Illamasqua! The perfect pout gift set is a limited edition set of 6 matte lipsticks. This set was released just before Christmas last year. And I'm lucky enough to get it as a Christmas gift from my boyfriend (actually...I kept moaning until he bought it for me hehehe. This trick always work with him). If you buy the lipstick separately the rrp is £16.50 each but you can grab the set for only £60 and saving £39.

 6 lipsticks in shade ranging from warm pink to purple which I think they should be suitable for wide range of skin tones. Isis is an exclusively new colour that will not sell separately and I will talk more about it below.
From left to right :Plunge, Fable, Scandal, Over, Isis, ESP
The set includes:
❤ Plunge (bright mauve pink)
Plunge is a baby cool tone pink. It's a nice colour but I don't think I can wear it in everyday life. I love to wear it for a night out or for a date. Unfortunately I've owned this colour since 2 years ago and still can't manage to use it up. So this one I have to keep as a spare one in the back of my drawer
❤ Fable (bright rose pink)
I have been wanted this colour for ages. I think it's a nice rose pink colour which I can use it everyday.
❤ Scandal (warm coral pink)
Scandal is highly pigmented lipstick just only one swipe and then here you go. It is a warm pink shade with orangy undertone. It's perfect for someone who want to wear red but still want to be in a comfort zone
❤ Over (bright coral pink)
 Over is a nice coral orange colour.  I love that it isn't too light as most corals can be.
❤ Isis exclusive to this set (red pink) 
Isis is very similar to a colour Illamasqua discontinued called 'Drench'. In my opinion I think it also quite similar to Scandal but redder if that make any sense. Sorry that the picture above make it look too orange!
❤ ESP (vivid violet)
ESP is a gorgeous purple colour. It is a vibrant purple with blue undertone. If you dare you need to try and I'm sure you can rock it.

For anyone who has never own any Illamasqua lipstick should be aware that most of the lipsticks from this brand are really matte. Comparing with Mac matte lipstick I think Illamasqua is more intense matte. So make sure that your lips are smooth before apply. Although all lipsticks contain vitamin E but lip balm might be essential for  some of you who have chapped lip. For me I like the colour, how pigmented and long lasting the lipsticks can give. Some time I also apply a lipgloss on top to make my lips look more moisturised and dewy :)

What is your favourite colour?



Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Sunshine & Versatile Blogger Awards!

Sawasdee ka~

Last wekk  I was nominated by a lovely girl called +Sophie Ward from Sophie Ward Lifestyle for the Sunshine Award. And today I also was nominated By Crystal from Hello darling (I actually nominate her for Sunshine award in the first place). First of all I would like to say thank you to both of you and I'm very much appreciated! I think it is a great opportunity to expand your blogging community and get to know more of other bloggers. The rule of these awards are pretty similar so I think I will combine these two together as I planned to publish the Sunshine award today anyway.

The rules are:
- Share 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 set question by your nomination blogger
- Nominate 11 bloggers
- Include 11 questions for your nominee to answer
- Display the awards certificate.

 "The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you by your blogger peers, for writing quality posts that have somehow touched them, having good quality photographs, and the uniqueness of the subjects covered. The award is to honor the bloggers who bring something special to your life."

Let start with 11 facts about me
❤ Strong coffee gives me headache so latte is the best option for me when I'm in coffee shop
❤ I have never shaved my legs
❤ Back in my home town I have 10 dogs in my house : 7 shih tzus, 2 Golden retrievers and 1 St bernard
❤ In high school I was part of a school choir (alto)
❤ I have been living in UK for 4 and a half years
❤ I've been to Japan, Singapore, Hong kong, Philippine, Switzerland, New Zealand, Netherlands, Germany, France and obviously England. Even though I have been to many places but I can't ignore the fact that I don't like being on plane.
❤ My favourite ice-cream is Cookie dough from Ben&Jerry
❤ The beauty product I can live without is eyebrow pencil
❤ I have a brother and 2 sisters and I'm the eldest
❤ I have to sleep with one blanket under my bed sheet cover to make my bed softer and comfier.
❤ I can only drive automatic car...I think I need to learn how to drive manual one very soon

And the questions from Sophie are:
1. If you could only use one make-up brush for the rest of our life, what would it be?
    - Real techniques contour brush in Core collection
2. What is your favourite mascara?
    - Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes waterproof
3. Favourite high end Lipstick?
    - Illamasqua in Magnetism
4. Favourite drug store lipstick?
    - Sleek
5. Favourite book?
    - At the moment I have to say Huger Games trilogy. Team Peeta all the way
6. What is your travelling must have?
    - My phone with Google maps! I'm bad at direction and always get lost lol
7. What type of shoes do you think are staples to a girls closet?
    - As I'm a petite girl my one and only answer is wedge shoes. I think it is more comfortable than high heel ones
8. What is your favourite app?
    - The app that can help me manage my money is an ideal. For a shopaholic girl like me, my favourite app at the moment definitely is Money log it help manage my money more effectively
9. Favourite place to eat out?
    - Frankie and Bennys. You can't miss out "The Godfather" it's an ice cream with brownies....yum yum
10. Best moisturizer under £10?
    - Rimmel Wake me up foundation £8.99. It's one of my staple foundations I also think that it's better than some high end products!
11. What do you think is the best film of all time?
    - Insidious. Can't say how much I love horror films!!

MY 11 nominations:

My Questions:
1. Favourite High-end beauty product?
2. Favourite Drugstore product?
3. Best movies?
4. Favourite lipstick?
5. Best holiday you have been on?
6. Favourite fragrance?
7. What do you like to do in your free time?
8. Must-have items on holiday?
9. If you won £1 million in the lottery what would you do with it?
10. Biggest fear?
11. Describe yourself in 3 words.

Hope you enjoy the awards



Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Kiss me's Talk : The Law of Attraction

Sawasdee ka~

Happy New Year everyone !! (hope this is not too late for new years greetings). I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. I had such a great time relaxing with my boyfriend and his family. I went down to visit my boyfriend's family for Christmas and spent 3 weeks there. Apart from eating, sleeping, celebrating the festive season and keeping myself occupied by reading Hunger games I hardly did anything. But now I'm back to my flat and I'm really excited to be back blogging. I decided to start my first post of the year with something different and hopefully if you are feeling down you may also find this post is helpful.

Have you ever read the book name "The secret"? It's a best-selling 2006 self-help book, which is based on the law of attraction, written by Rhonda Byrne. To be honest, when the book was released I wasn't really interested in it and had no idea what is it about. Until 2010, one of my best friend tried to persuade me to read this book. I read, don't really understand the main idea and ignored it again. But one day 2 years ago when my life was in the darkness; broke up, been stabbed in the back, been misunderstood and  finally I created anxiety and panic attack. I remember that back then I kept thinking about negative things. I blame myself for making that relationship end. Things got worse when I heard that someone talked bad thing behind my back and start rumour about me and seems like all student from my country that live in the same city with me all talked about that. I started to cry every day, tried to keep myself in my room and live my life in a day dream. Apart from my 2 best friends I hardly talk with anyone. I tried to hide from strange people and get scared every time I went out and meet people from my country although I don't know them.

At that point  I just feel like I have nothing to lose so I reached for the secret book again with a hope that it might help me some how. This time it actually worked! The main idea of the book is "like attracts like" by focusing on positive or negative thoughts. I finally realise my mistake that negative thoughts are things that make my life went downhill. So after that I adjusted my attitude and thoughts. Every morning when I wake up I start saying or thinking about things that I feel really good about or even smile to myself. Whenever I feel depressed I will try to calm myself down and think about good things instead. I know that I think about the rumour too much and care people who I don't even know too much. At the end I just think that whatever they talked about me no matter how bad my family and friends are still support me and be there for me all the time and I am the only one who know what was happen so if the rumour is not true just ignore it. Keep practice this little by little then thing will start to fall into place.

In the book it has so many cases about successful people who used the law of attraction. In my opinion you may have to adapt some tricks from the book to make it suit you. I spent time to learn what is work best. For me, I have my gratitude list writing about what I want and believe that it will happen, I try to keep thinking positively all the time. I can say it's not easy to immediately change your bad mood into a happy one! It took me awhile before I fully recovered from my anxiety. Last but not least feel thankful about what I have.

Now I'm in a better place. Although some times I still have bad day but I get through it really quickly. Also I know that I have my family, my lovely boyfriend and his family and my friends who support me and love me without condition. My life is perfect :)

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoy this post

