Sawasdee ka~
Last wekk I was nominated by a lovely girl called
+Sophie Ward from
Sophie Ward Lifestyle for the Sunshine Award. And today I also was nominated By Crystal from
Hello darling (I actually nominate her for Sunshine award in the first place). First of all I would like to say thank you to both of you and I'm very much appreciated! I think it is a great opportunity to expand your blogging community and get to know more of other bloggers. The rule of these awards are pretty similar so I think I will combine these two together as I planned to publish the Sunshine award today anyway.
The rules are:
- Share 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 set question by your nomination blogger
- Nominate 11 bloggers
- Include 11 questions for your nominee to answer
- Display the awards certificate.
"The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you by your
blogger peers, for writing quality posts that have somehow touched them,
having good quality photographs, and the uniqueness of the subjects
covered. The award is to honor the bloggers who bring something special
to your life."
Let start with 11 facts about me
❤ Strong coffee gives me headache so latte is the best option for me when I'm in coffee shop
❤ I have never shaved my legs
❤ Back in my home town I have 10 dogs in my house : 7 shih tzus, 2 Golden retrievers and 1 St bernard
❤ In high school I was part of a school choir (alto)
❤ I have been living in UK for 4 and a half years
❤ I've been to Japan, Singapore, Hong kong, Philippine, Switzerland, New Zealand, Netherlands, Germany, France and obviously England. Even though I have been to many places but I can't ignore the fact that I don't like being on plane.
❤ My favourite ice-cream is Cookie dough from Ben&Jerry
❤ The beauty product I can live without is eyebrow pencil
❤ I have a brother and 2 sisters and I'm the eldest
❤ I have to sleep with one blanket under my bed sheet cover to make my bed softer and comfier.
❤ I can only drive automatic car...I think I need to learn how to drive manual one very soon
And the questions from Sophie are:
1. If you could only use one make-up brush for the rest of our life, what would it be?
- Real techniques contour brush in Core collection
2. What is your favourite mascara?
- Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes waterproof
3. Favourite high end Lipstick?
- Illamasqua in Magnetism
4. Favourite drug store lipstick?
- Sleek
5. Favourite book?
- At the moment I have to say Huger Games trilogy. Team Peeta all the way
6. What is your travelling must have?
- My phone with Google maps! I'm bad at direction and always get lost lol
7. What type of shoes do you think are staples to a girls closet?
- As I'm a petite girl my one and only answer is wedge shoes. I think it is more comfortable than high heel ones
8. What is your favourite app?
- The app that can help me manage my money is an ideal. For a shopaholic girl like me, my favourite app at the moment definitely is Money log it help manage my money more effectively
9. Favourite place to eat out?
- Frankie and Bennys. You can't miss out "The Godfather" it's an ice cream with brownies....yum yum
10. Best moisturizer under £10?
- Rimmel Wake me up foundation £8.99. It's one of my staple foundations I also think that it's better than some high end products!
11. What do you think is the best film of all time?
- Insidious. Can't say how much I love horror films!!
MY 11 nominations:
My Questions:
1. Favourite High-end beauty product?
2. Favourite Drugstore product?
3. Best movies?
4. Favourite lipstick?
5. Best holiday you have been on?
6. Favourite fragrance?
7. What do you like to do in your free time?
8. Must-have items on holiday?
9. If you won £1 million in the lottery what would you do with it?
10. Biggest fear?
11. Describe yourself in 3 words.
Hope you enjoy the awards